- Then you've got your obsessive type, so eager to plateau-hop he doesn't even know the word patient,m much less humble or slog, when he gets stalled at a plateau he tries to like will and himself oof it, by sheer force of work and drill and will and practice, drilling and obsessivelyh hjoning and working more and more as in franatically, and he overdoes it and gets hurt and prett soon he's all chronically messed up with injuries, and hobbles around on the court still obsessilvely overworking, until finally he's hardly even able to walk or swing, and his ranking pulmmets
- Tit's repetitive movements nd motions for their own sake, over and over until the accretive weight of the reps sinks the movements themslves down under your like consciounsess into the more nether regions, thro0ugh repitition they sink and soak into the hardware teh C.P.S. The machine-language the autonomical part that makes you breathe and swea. It's no accident they say you eat, sleep, breathe tennis here. Thesea are autonomical.
- That other pole many times can see things about you that yourself cannot see even if those people are stupid
O que os AAs da Grande Boston tratam de forma trivial mas correta é o fato de que tanto os beijos do destino quanto suas bifas ilustram a impotência básica e pessoal de um indivíduo qualquer diante dos eventos realmente importantes da sua vida: 100 i. e., quase nada de importante te acontece porque você produziu. O destino não tem bipe; o destino sempre fica ali encostadinho de capa de chuva num beco fazendo algum tipo de Psst que normalmente você nem ouve porque está correndo tanto para ou de alguma coisa importante que tentou produzir.
Ennet House
unit 4 is for alzheimer with militar pension
unit 5 is for Catatonia is a complex neuropsychiatric behavioral syndrome that is characterized by abnormal movements, immobility, abnormal behaviors, and withdrawal.
unit 6 casa ennet de recuperacao de drogas e alcool
unit 7 whenever someone is seen at this unit, it is immediately sent away from the Ennet House, because that's where people hide to use drugs